namespace VV
namespace Corridors
- struct Base_InStructure Can be used to facilitate iterating through a read-only structure pointer chain.
- struct Base_OutStructure Can be used to facilitate iterating through a structure pointer chain that returns data back to the application.
struct ClearValue
- union UColor
- struct UDepthStencil
- struct ComponentMapping Structure specifying a color component mapping.
- struct DeviceExt
- struct Display
- struct ExtensionProperties Structure specifying an extension properties.
- struct Extent2D Structure specifying a two-dimensional extent.
- struct Extent3D Structure specifying a three-dimensional extent.
- struct FormatProperties
- struct InstanceExt
- struct Layer
- struct LayerProperties
- struct Offset2D Structure specifying a two-dimensional offset.
- struct Offset3D Structure specifying a three-dimensional offset.
- struct Rect2D Structure specifying a two-dimensional subregion.
- struct StencilOperationState
- struct Viewport Surface viewing region.
- namespace SPIR_V
namespace V0
- class Bitfield
- struct CallEnforcer_CallMaker
- struct CallEnforcer_CallMaker<ReturnType(ParameterTypes...), FunctionPtr> Generates a wrapped call to the function passed to it.
- struct DummyBase Used when creating fake VulkanAPI structures for platform abstraction uses.
- struct Fence_Maker
struct Fence_Maker<EOS::Linux>
- struct ExportableHandleInfo Do not use, dummy structure.
- struct GetOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct ImportOS_HandleInfo Specification
struct Fence_Maker<EOS::Windows>
- struct ExportableOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct GetOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct ImportOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct Fence_PlatformAgnostic
- struct IsBitmaskable Used when the enum does not meet the criteria for bitmaskable.
- struct IsBitmaskable<Enum, decltype(static_cast<void>(Enum::VV_SpecifyBitmaskable))> Will be defined with a true_type when enum has the VV_SpecifyBitmaskable enum value.
struct Memory General memory definitions.
- struct AllocateInfo Structure describing parameters of the allocation.
- struct AllocationCallbacks Vulkan provides applications the opportunity to perform host memory allocations on behalf of the Vulkan implementation. If this feature is not used, the implementation will perform its own memory allocations.
- struct Barrier Global memory barriers apply to memory accesses involving all memory objects that exist at the time of its execution..
- struct Heap
- struct Requirements Structure describing the memory requirements for a buffer or an image.
- struct Type Structures describing the memory types that can be used to access memory allocated from the heaps specified by memoryHeaps.
- struct PlatformTypes_Maker Defines maker of platform struct that defines operating system types.
- struct PlatformTypes_Maker<EOS::Linux>
- struct PlatformTypes_Maker<EOS::Windows> Defines Windows specific types.
- struct Semaphore_Maker
struct Semaphore_Maker<EOS::Linux>
- struct ExportableOS_HandleInfo Do not use, dummy structure.
- struct GetOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct ImportOS_HandleInfo Specification
struct Semaphore_Maker<EOS::Windows>
- struct ExportableOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct GetOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct ImportOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct Semaphore_PlatformAgnostic
- struct Surface_Maker Used to create an OS platform's surface type.
struct Surface_Maker<EOS::Windows> Defines a Surface's extended definitions for Windows.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Surface_PlatformAgnostic Cross-Platform set of definitions for a Surface.
- struct Capabilities Structure describing capabilities of a surface.
- struct Format Structure describing a supported swapchain format-color space pair.
- struct VKStruct_Base Base struct for wrapping Vulkan native C API Structs.
namespace V1
struct AppInstance An object that manages the represented application process state within the GPU.
- struct AppInfo A structure that specifies to the Vulkan driver information about an application that will run an instance.
- struct CreateInfo Structure specifying parameters of a newly created instance.
- struct ValidationFeatures Used when creating a Vulkan app instance and want to enable specific validation features. (Added to the Next chain).
- struct ValidationFlags Used when creating a Vulkan app instance and want to disable validation checks.
struct Buffer A linear array of data.
- struct CopyInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Memory_Barrier Specification
struct BufferView A buffer view represents a contiguous range of a buffer and a specific format to be used to interpret the data.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct CommandBuffer Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
- struct BeginInfo Specification
- struct BufferImageRegion Specification
- struct DeviceGroupBeginInfo Specification
struct InheritanceWindow Specification
- struct ConditionalRenderingInfo Specification
- struct PassTransformInfo Specification
struct SubmitInfo Specification
- struct D3D12Fence Specification
- struct DeviceGroup Specification
- struct PerformanceQuery Specification
- struct Protected Specification
- struct TimelineSemaphore Specification
- struct Win32KeyedMutexAcquireRelease Specification
struct CommandPool Command pools are opaque objects that command buffer memory is allocated from, and which allow the implementation to amortize the cost of resource creation across multiple command buffers. Command pools are externally synchronized, meaning that a command pool must not be used concurrently in multiple threads. That includes use via recording commands on any command buffers allocated from the pool, as well as operations that allocate, free, and reset command buffers or the pool itself.
- struct AllocateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct DebugUtils Debug Utilities: Flexible utilities for debugging an application.
- struct Label Used in conjunction with labeling queues, and commands.
struct Messenger Vulkan allows an application to register multiple callbacks with any Vulkan component wishing to report debug information. Some callbacks may log the information to a file, others may cause a debug break point or other application defined behavior.
- struct CallbackData Specification
- struct CallbackDelegate The prototype for the CreateInfo::
UserCallback function implemented by the application.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct ObjectInfo Used for annotating objects with user defined information.
struct DescriptorPool A descriptor pool maintains a pool of descriptors, from which descriptor sets are allocated. Descriptor pools are externally synchronized, meaning that the application must not allocate and/or free descriptor sets from the same pool in multiple threads simultaneously.
- struct AllocateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Size Specification
struct DescriptorSet Descriptors are grouped together into descriptor set objects. A descriptor set object is an opaque object containing storage for a set of descriptors, where the types and number of descriptors is defined by a descriptor set layout.
- struct BufferInfo Specification
- struct Copy Specification
- struct ImageInfo Specification
- struct Write Specification
struct Event Events are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a fine-grained dependency between commands submitted to the same queue, or between the host and a queue. Events must not be used to insert a dependency between commands submitted to different queues. Events have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Fence Fences are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency from a queue to the host. Fences have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct DeviceEventInfo Specification
- struct DisplayEventInfo Specification
- struct ExportCreateInfo Specification
struct Framebuffer Render passes operate in conjunction with framebuffers. Framebuffers represent a collection of specific memory attachments that a render pass instance uses.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Image Images represent multidimensional - up to 3 - arrays of data which can be used for various purposes (e.g. attachments, textures), by binding them to a graphics or compute pipeline via descriptor sets, or by directly specifying them as parameters to certain commands.
- struct Blit Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Memory_Barrier Specification
- struct SubresourceLayers Specification
- struct SubresourceRange Specification
struct ImageView An object that represents an image subresource range of a specific image, and state that controls how the contents are interpreted.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct LogicalDevice Represent logical connections to physical devices.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct GroupCreateInfo
- struct MemoryOverallocationCreateInfo
- struct PrivateDataCreateInfo Used to reserve private data storage slots.
struct Queue Queues handle different types of batched commands for the GPU to complete.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Queue2
- struct Memory General memory structures and functionality for device memory.
struct PhysicalDevice Represents a physical device.
- struct ConformanceVersion Conformance test suite version an implementation is compliant with is described with this.
- struct Features Structure describing the fine-grained features that can be supported by an implementation.
- struct Group
- struct Limits Structure reporting implementation-dependent physical device limits.
- struct MemoryProperties Specification</
struct PerformanceCounter Specification
- struct Description
struct Properties Container of query general properties of physical devices once enumerated.
- struct DeviceID To query the UUID and LUID of a device, add a VkPhysicalDeviceIDProperties structure to the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure.
- struct PCIBusInfo To query the PCI bus information of a physical device, add a VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT structure to the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure.
- struct Vulkan11 To query the properties of the driver corresponding to Vulkan 1.1 functionality, add VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties to the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure.
- struct Vulkan12 To query the properties of the driver corresponding to Vulkan 1.2 functionality, add VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Properties to the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure.
- struct Properties2 Each structure in Properties and its pNext chain contain members corresponding to properties or implementation-dependent limits.
- struct QueueFamilyProperties A set of queues that have common properties and support the same functionality.
struct QueueFamilyProperties2 Return extended information in a pNext chain of output structures.
- struct Checkpoint Additional queue family information can be queried by setting QueueFamilyProperties2::
Next to point to a Checkpoint structure.
- struct SparseMemoryProperties Structure specifying various sparse related properties of the physical device.
struct Pipeline A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.
struct Cache Pipeline cache objects allow the result of pipeline construction to be reused between pipelines and between runs of an application.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct ColorBlendState Blending combines the incoming source fragments R, G, B, and A values with the destination R, G, B, and A values of each sample stored in the framebuffer at the fragments xf,yf location. Blending is performed for each color sample covered by the fragment, rather than just once for each fragment.
- struct AttachmentState Specifies per-target blending state for each individual color attachment.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Compute The compute pipeline represents a compute shader.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct DepthStencilState Pipeline state controlling the depth bounds tests, stencil test, and depth test.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct DynamicState Used to indicate which properties of the pipeline state object are dynamic and can be changed independently of the pipeline state.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Graphics Graphics pipelines consist of multiple shader stages, multiple fixed-function pipeline stages, and a pipeline layout.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct ShaderGroup Graphics pipelines can contain multiple shader groups that can be bound individually. \ Each shader group behaves as if it was a pipeline using the shader groups state.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct MultipleCreateInfo Specification
struct InputAssemblyState Each draw is made up of zero or more vertices and zero or more instances, which are processed by the device and result in the assembly of primitives. Primitives are assembled according to the InputAssemblyState member.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Layout Access to descriptor sets from a pipeline is accomplished through a pipeline layout.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct DescriptorSet Defines the types and number of descriptor sets used in a pipeline.
struct Binding Specification
- struct FlagsCreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Information about the descriptor set layout.
struct Support Specification
- struct SetVariableCount Specification
- struct PushConstantRange Specification
struct MultiSampleState Structure specifying parameters of a newly created pipeline multisample state.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct RasterizationState Rasterization is the process by which a primitive is converted to a two-dimensional image. Each point of this image contains associated data such as depth, color, or other attributes.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct ShaderStage Used to handle shader staging within a pipeline, more than one shader can be staged in a pipeline.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Specialization Specialization constants are a mechanism whereby constants in a SPIR-V module can have their constant value specified at the time the VkPipeline is created. This allows a SPIR-V module to have constants that can be modified while executing an application that uses the Vulkan API.
- struct Info Specification
- struct MapEntry Specification
struct TessellationState Tessellation involves three pipeline stages.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct VertexInputState
- struct AttributeDescription Specification
- struct BindingDescription Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct ViewportState Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct RenderPass A render pass represents a collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between the subpasses, and describes how the attachments are used over the course of the subpasses.
- struct AttachmentDescription Specification
- struct AttachmentReference Specification
- struct BeginInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct SubpassDependency Specification
- struct SubpassDescription Specification
struct Sampler Represent the state of an image sampler which is used by the implementation to read image data and apply filtering and other transformations for the shader.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Semaphore Semaphores are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency between queue operations or between a queue operation and the host. Binary semaphores have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct CreateInfo Specification APISpec_Synchronization_and_Cache_Control
- struct ExportCreateInfo Specification
- struct SignalInfo Specification
- struct TypeSpecifiedCreateInfo Specification
- struct WaitInfo Specification
struct ShaderModule Shader modules contain shader code and one or more entry points.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Surface Native platform surface or window objects are abstracted by surface objects.
struct Swapchain A queue of images that can be presented to a surface.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct PresentationInfo Specification
namespace V2
- struct AppInstance An object that manages the represented application process state within the GPU.
struct Buffer A linear array of data.
- struct CreateInfo Offers alternative constructor.
- struct BufferView A buffer view represents a contiguous range of a buffer and a specific format to be used to interpret the data.
- struct CommandBuffer Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
- struct CommandPool Command pools are opaque objects that command buffer memory is allocated from, and which allow the implementation to amortize the cost of resource creation across multiple command buffers.
struct DebugUtils Debug Utilities: Flexible utilities for debugging an application.
- struct Messenger Vulkan allows an application to register multiple callbacks with any Vulkan component wishing to report debug information. Some callbacks may log the information to a file, others may cause a debug break point or other application defined behavior.
- struct DescriptorPool A descriptor pool maintains a pool of descriptors, from which descriptor sets are allocated. Descriptor pools are externally synchronized, meaning that the application must not allocate and/or free descriptor sets from the same pool in multiple threads simultaneously.
- struct Event Events are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a fine-grained dependency between commands submitted to the same queue, or between the host and a queue. Events must not be used to insert a dependency between commands submitted to different queues. Events have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct Fence Fences are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency from a queue to the host. Fences have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct Framebuffer Render passes operate in conjunction with framebuffers. Framebuffers represent a collection of specific memory attachments that a render pass instance uses.
- struct Image Images represent multidimensional - up to 3 - arrays of data which can be used for various purposes (e.g. attachments, textures), by binding them to a graphics or compute pipeline via descriptor sets, or by directly specifying them as parameters to certain commands.
- struct ImageView An object that represents an image subresource range of a specific image, and state that controls how the contents are interpreted.
- struct LayerAndExtensionProperties Currently hard coded to use STL vector for extensions.
- struct LogicalDevice Represent logical connections to physical devices.
- struct Memory General memory structures and functionality for device memory.
- struct PhysicalDevice Represents a physical device.
struct Pipeline A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.
- struct QueueMask Ease of identification masks for identifying a type of queue family.
struct RenderPass A render pass represents a collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between the subpasses, and describes how the attachments are used over the course of the subpasses.
- struct SubpassDescription Offers a default constructor.
- struct Sampler Represent the state of an image sampler which is used by the implementation to read image data and apply filtering and other transformations for the shader.
- struct Semaphore Semaphores are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency between queue operations or between a queue operation and the host. Binary semaphores have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
struct ShaderModule Shader modules contain shader code and one or more entry points.
- struct CreateInfo Offers a default constructor and one code/code size parameters.
- struct Surface Surfaces hook onto a window to use as a rendering target.
- struct Swapchain A queue of images that can be presented to a surface.
namespace V3
- class AppInstance An object that manages the represented application process state within the GPU.
- class Buffer A linear array of data.
- class BufferView A buffer view represents a contiguous range of a buffer and a specific format to be used to interpret the data.
- class CommandBuffer Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
- class CommandPool Command pools are opaque objects that command buffer memory is allocated from, and which allow the implementation to amortize the cost of resource creation across multiple command buffers.
- class ComputePipeline The compute pipeline represents a compute shader.
struct DebugUtils Debug Utilities: Flexible utilities for debugging an application.
- class Messenger Vulkan allows an application to register multiple callbacks with any Vulkan component wishing to report debug information. Some callbacks may log the information to a file, others may cause a debug break point or other application defined behavior.
- class DescriptorPool A descriptor pool maintains a pool of descriptors, from which descriptor sets are allocated. Descriptor pools are externally synchronized, meaning that the application must not allocate and/or free descriptor sets from the same pool in multiple threads simultaneously.
- class DescriptorSet Descriptors are grouped together into descriptor set objects. A descriptor set object is an opaque object containing storage for a set of descriptors, where the types and number of descriptors is defined by a descriptor set layout.
- class Event Events are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a fine-grained dependency between commands submitted to the same queue, or between the host and a queue. Events must not be used to insert a dependency between commands submitted to different queues. Events have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- class Fence Fences are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency from a queue to the host. Fences have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- class Framebuffer Render passes operate in conjunction with framebuffers. Framebuffers represent a collection of specific memory attachments that a render pass instance uses.
- class GraphicsPipeline Graphics pipelines consist of multiple shader stages, multiple fixed-function pipeline stages, and a pipeline layout.
- class Image Images represent multidimensional - up to 3 - arrays of data which can be used for various purposes (e.g. attachments, textures), by binding them to a graphics or compute pipeline via descriptor sets, or by directly specifying them as parameters to certain commands.
- class ImageView An object that represents an image subresource range of a specific image, and state that controls how the contents are interpreted.
class LogicalDevice Represent logical connections to physical devices.
- struct Queue Queues handle different types of batched commands for the GPU to complete.
- class Memory General memory structures and functionality for device memory.
- class PhysicalDevice Represents a physical device.
class Pipeline A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.
- class Cache Pipeline cache objects allow the result of pipeline construction to be reused between pipelines and between runs of an application.
class Layout Access to descriptor sets from a pipeline is accomplished through a pipeline layout.
- class DescriptorSet Descriptors are grouped together into descriptor set objects.
- class RenderPass A render pass represents a collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between the subpasses, and describes how the attachments are used over the course of the subpasses.
- class Sampler Represent the state of an image sampler which is used by the implementation to read image data and apply filtering and other transformations for the shader.
- class Semaphore Semaphores are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency between queue operations or between a queue operation and the host. Binary semaphores have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- class ShaderModule Shader modules contain shader code and one or more entry points.
- class Surface Surfaces hook onto a window to use as a rendering target.
- class Swapchain A queue of images that can be presented to a surface.
namespace V4
namespace Backend
- class GPU_Comms_Maker
- class GPU_Comms_Maker<EGPU_Engage::Single>
- class AppInstance
struct DebugUtils
- class Messenger
- class LogicalDevice
- class PhysicalDevice
- namespace Vault_MagmaChamber
namespace Corridors
- struct Base_InStructure Can be used to facilitate iterating through a read-only structure pointer chain.
- struct Base_OutStructure Can be used to facilitate iterating through a structure pointer chain that returns data back to the application.
struct ClearValue
- union UColor
- struct UDepthStencil
- struct ComponentMapping Structure specifying a color component mapping.
- struct DeviceExt
- struct Display
- struct ExtensionProperties Structure specifying an extension properties.
- struct Extent2D Structure specifying a two-dimensional extent.
- struct Extent3D Structure specifying a three-dimensional extent.
- struct FormatProperties
- struct InstanceExt
- struct Layer
- struct LayerProperties
- struct Offset2D Structure specifying a two-dimensional offset.
- struct Offset3D Structure specifying a three-dimensional offset.
- struct Rect2D Structure specifying a two-dimensional subregion.
- struct StencilOperationState
- struct Viewport Surface viewing region.
- namespace SPIR_V
namespace V0
- class Bitfield
- struct CallEnforcer_CallMaker
- struct CallEnforcer_CallMaker<ReturnType(ParameterTypes...), FunctionPtr> Generates a wrapped call to the function passed to it.
- struct DummyBase Used when creating fake VulkanAPI structures for platform abstraction uses.
- struct Fence_Maker
struct Fence_Maker<EOS::Linux>
- struct ExportableHandleInfo Do not use, dummy structure.
- struct GetOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct ImportOS_HandleInfo Specification
struct Fence_Maker<EOS::Windows>
- struct ExportableOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct GetOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct ImportOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct Fence_PlatformAgnostic
- struct IsBitmaskable Used when the enum does not meet the criteria for bitmaskable.
- struct IsBitmaskable<Enum, decltype(static_cast<void>(Enum::VV_SpecifyBitmaskable))> Will be defined with a true_type when enum has the VV_SpecifyBitmaskable enum value.
struct Memory General memory definitions.
- struct AllocateInfo Structure describing parameters of the allocation.
- struct AllocationCallbacks Vulkan provides applications the opportunity to perform host memory allocations on behalf of the Vulkan implementation. If this feature is not used, the implementation will perform its own memory allocations.
- struct Barrier Global memory barriers apply to memory accesses involving all memory objects that exist at the time of its execution..
- struct Heap
- struct Requirements Structure describing the memory requirements for a buffer or an image.
- struct Type Structures describing the memory types that can be used to access memory allocated from the heaps specified by memoryHeaps.
- struct PlatformTypes_Maker Defines maker of platform struct that defines operating system types.
- struct PlatformTypes_Maker<EOS::Linux>
- struct PlatformTypes_Maker<EOS::Windows> Defines Windows specific types.
- struct Semaphore_Maker
struct Semaphore_Maker<EOS::Linux>
- struct ExportableOS_HandleInfo Do not use, dummy structure.
- struct GetOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct ImportOS_HandleInfo Specification
struct Semaphore_Maker<EOS::Windows>
- struct ExportableOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct GetOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct ImportOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct ExportableOS_HandleInfo Specification
- struct Semaphore_PlatformAgnostic
- struct Surface_Maker Used to create an OS platform's surface type.
struct Surface_Maker<EOS::Windows> Defines a Surface's extended definitions for Windows.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Surface_PlatformAgnostic Cross-Platform set of definitions for a Surface.
- struct Capabilities Structure describing capabilities of a surface.
- struct Format Structure describing a supported swapchain format-color space pair.
- struct VKStruct_Base Base struct for wrapping Vulkan native C API Structs.
namespace V1
struct AppInstance An object that manages the represented application process state within the GPU.
- struct AppInfo A structure that specifies to the Vulkan driver information about an application that will run an instance.
- struct CreateInfo Structure specifying parameters of a newly created instance.
- struct ValidationFeatures Used when creating a Vulkan app instance and want to enable specific validation features. (Added to the Next chain).
- struct ValidationFlags Used when creating a Vulkan app instance and want to disable validation checks.
struct Buffer A linear array of data.
- struct CopyInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Memory_Barrier Specification
struct BufferView A buffer view represents a contiguous range of a buffer and a specific format to be used to interpret the data.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct CommandBuffer Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
- struct BeginInfo Specification
- struct BufferImageRegion Specification
- struct DeviceGroupBeginInfo Specification
struct InheritanceWindow Specification
- struct ConditionalRenderingInfo Specification
- struct PassTransformInfo Specification
struct SubmitInfo Specification
- struct D3D12Fence Specification
- struct DeviceGroup Specification
- struct PerformanceQuery Specification
- struct Protected Specification
- struct TimelineSemaphore Specification
- struct Win32KeyedMutexAcquireRelease Specification
- struct D3D12Fence Specification
struct CommandPool Command pools are opaque objects that command buffer memory is allocated from, and which allow the implementation to amortize the cost of resource creation across multiple command buffers. Command pools are externally synchronized, meaning that a command pool must not be used concurrently in multiple threads. That includes use via recording commands on any command buffers allocated from the pool, as well as operations that allocate, free, and reset command buffers or the pool itself.
- struct AllocateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct DebugUtils Debug Utilities: Flexible utilities for debugging an application.
- struct Label Used in conjunction with labeling queues, and commands.
struct Messenger Vulkan allows an application to register multiple callbacks with any Vulkan component wishing to report debug information. Some callbacks may log the information to a file, others may cause a debug break point or other application defined behavior.
- struct CallbackData Specification
- struct CallbackDelegate The prototype for the CreateInfo::
UserCallback function implemented by the application. - struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct ObjectInfo Used for annotating objects with user defined information.
struct DescriptorPool A descriptor pool maintains a pool of descriptors, from which descriptor sets are allocated. Descriptor pools are externally synchronized, meaning that the application must not allocate and/or free descriptor sets from the same pool in multiple threads simultaneously.
- struct AllocateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Size Specification
struct DescriptorSet Descriptors are grouped together into descriptor set objects. A descriptor set object is an opaque object containing storage for a set of descriptors, where the types and number of descriptors is defined by a descriptor set layout.
- struct BufferInfo Specification
- struct Copy Specification
- struct ImageInfo Specification
- struct Write Specification
struct Event Events are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a fine-grained dependency between commands submitted to the same queue, or between the host and a queue. Events must not be used to insert a dependency between commands submitted to different queues. Events have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Fence Fences are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency from a queue to the host. Fences have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct DeviceEventInfo Specification
- struct DisplayEventInfo Specification
- struct ExportCreateInfo Specification
struct Framebuffer Render passes operate in conjunction with framebuffers. Framebuffers represent a collection of specific memory attachments that a render pass instance uses.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Image Images represent multidimensional - up to 3 - arrays of data which can be used for various purposes (e.g. attachments, textures), by binding them to a graphics or compute pipeline via descriptor sets, or by directly specifying them as parameters to certain commands.
- struct Blit Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Memory_Barrier Specification
- struct SubresourceLayers Specification
- struct SubresourceRange Specification
- struct Blit Specification
struct ImageView An object that represents an image subresource range of a specific image, and state that controls how the contents are interpreted.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct LogicalDevice Represent logical connections to physical devices.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct GroupCreateInfo
- struct MemoryOverallocationCreateInfo
- struct PrivateDataCreateInfo Used to reserve private data storage slots.
struct Queue Queues handle different types of batched commands for the GPU to complete.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Queue2
- struct Memory General memory structures and functionality for device memory.
struct PhysicalDevice Represents a physical device.
- struct ConformanceVersion Conformance test suite version an implementation is compliant with is described with this.
- struct Features Structure describing the fine-grained features that can be supported by an implementation.
- struct Group
- struct Limits Structure reporting implementation-dependent physical device limits.
- struct MemoryProperties Specification</
struct PerformanceCounter Specification
- struct Description
struct Properties Container of query general properties of physical devices once enumerated.
- struct DeviceID To query the UUID and LUID of a device, add a VkPhysicalDeviceIDProperties structure to the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure.
- struct PCIBusInfo To query the PCI bus information of a physical device, add a VkPhysicalDevicePCIBusInfoPropertiesEXT structure to the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure.
- struct Vulkan11 To query the properties of the driver corresponding to Vulkan 1.1 functionality, add VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan11Properties to the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure.
- struct Vulkan12 To query the properties of the driver corresponding to Vulkan 1.2 functionality, add VkPhysicalDeviceVulkan12Properties to the pNext chain of the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties2 structure.
- struct Properties2 Each structure in Properties and its pNext chain contain members corresponding to properties or implementation-dependent limits.
- struct QueueFamilyProperties A set of queues that have common properties and support the same functionality.
struct QueueFamilyProperties2 Return extended information in a pNext chain of output structures.
- struct Checkpoint Additional queue family information can be queried by setting QueueFamilyProperties2::
Next to point to a Checkpoint structure.
- struct Checkpoint Additional queue family information can be queried by setting QueueFamilyProperties2::
- struct SparseMemoryProperties Structure specifying various sparse related properties of the physical device.
struct Pipeline A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.
struct Cache Pipeline cache objects allow the result of pipeline construction to be reused between pipelines and between runs of an application.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct ColorBlendState Blending combines the incoming source fragments R, G, B, and A values with the destination R, G, B, and A values of each sample stored in the framebuffer at the fragments xf,yf location. Blending is performed for each color sample covered by the fragment, rather than just once for each fragment.
- struct AttachmentState Specifies per-target blending state for each individual color attachment.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Compute The compute pipeline represents a compute shader.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct DepthStencilState Pipeline state controlling the depth bounds tests, stencil test, and depth test.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct DynamicState Used to indicate which properties of the pipeline state object are dynamic and can be changed independently of the pipeline state.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Graphics Graphics pipelines consist of multiple shader stages, multiple fixed-function pipeline stages, and a pipeline layout.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct ShaderGroup Graphics pipelines can contain multiple shader groups that can be bound individually. \ Each shader group behaves as if it was a pipeline using the shader groups state.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct MultipleCreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct InputAssemblyState Each draw is made up of zero or more vertices and zero or more instances, which are processed by the device and result in the assembly of primitives. Primitives are assembled according to the InputAssemblyState member.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Layout Access to descriptor sets from a pipeline is accomplished through a pipeline layout.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct DescriptorSet Defines the types and number of descriptor sets used in a pipeline.
struct Binding Specification
- struct FlagsCreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Information about the descriptor set layout.
struct Support Specification
- struct SetVariableCount Specification
- struct SetVariableCount Specification
struct Binding Specification
- struct PushConstantRange Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct MultiSampleState Structure specifying parameters of a newly created pipeline multisample state.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct RasterizationState Rasterization is the process by which a primitive is converted to a two-dimensional image. Each point of this image contains associated data such as depth, color, or other attributes.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct ShaderStage Used to handle shader staging within a pipeline, more than one shader can be staged in a pipeline.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Specialization Specialization constants are a mechanism whereby constants in a SPIR-V module can have their constant value specified at the time the VkPipeline is created. This allows a SPIR-V module to have constants that can be modified while executing an application that uses the Vulkan API.
- struct Info Specification
- struct MapEntry Specification
- struct Info Specification
struct TessellationState Tessellation involves three pipeline stages.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct VertexInputState
- struct AttributeDescription Specification
- struct BindingDescription Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct AttributeDescription Specification
struct ViewportState Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Cache Pipeline cache objects allow the result of pipeline construction to be reused between pipelines and between runs of an application.
struct RenderPass A render pass represents a collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between the subpasses, and describes how the attachments are used over the course of the subpasses.
- struct AttachmentDescription Specification
- struct AttachmentReference Specification
- struct BeginInfo Specification
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct SubpassDependency Specification
- struct SubpassDescription Specification
struct Sampler Represent the state of an image sampler which is used by the implementation to read image data and apply filtering and other transformations for the shader.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
struct Semaphore Semaphores are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency between queue operations or between a queue operation and the host. Binary semaphores have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct CreateInfo Specification APISpec_Synchronization_and_Cache_Control
- struct ExportCreateInfo Specification
- struct SignalInfo Specification
- struct TypeSpecifiedCreateInfo Specification
- struct WaitInfo Specification
struct ShaderModule Shader modules contain shader code and one or more entry points.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct Surface Native platform surface or window objects are abstracted by surface objects.
struct Swapchain A queue of images that can be presented to a surface.
- struct CreateInfo Specification
- struct PresentationInfo Specification
struct AppInstance An object that manages the represented application process state within the GPU.
namespace V2
- struct AppInstance An object that manages the represented application process state within the GPU.
struct Buffer A linear array of data.
- struct CreateInfo Offers alternative constructor.
- struct BufferView A buffer view represents a contiguous range of a buffer and a specific format to be used to interpret the data.
- struct CommandBuffer Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
- struct CommandPool Command pools are opaque objects that command buffer memory is allocated from, and which allow the implementation to amortize the cost of resource creation across multiple command buffers.
struct DebugUtils Debug Utilities: Flexible utilities for debugging an application.
- struct Messenger Vulkan allows an application to register multiple callbacks with any Vulkan component wishing to report debug information. Some callbacks may log the information to a file, others may cause a debug break point or other application defined behavior.
- struct DescriptorPool A descriptor pool maintains a pool of descriptors, from which descriptor sets are allocated. Descriptor pools are externally synchronized, meaning that the application must not allocate and/or free descriptor sets from the same pool in multiple threads simultaneously.
- struct Event Events are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a fine-grained dependency between commands submitted to the same queue, or between the host and a queue. Events must not be used to insert a dependency between commands submitted to different queues. Events have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct Fence Fences are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency from a queue to the host. Fences have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- struct Framebuffer Render passes operate in conjunction with framebuffers. Framebuffers represent a collection of specific memory attachments that a render pass instance uses.
- struct Image Images represent multidimensional - up to 3 - arrays of data which can be used for various purposes (e.g. attachments, textures), by binding them to a graphics or compute pipeline via descriptor sets, or by directly specifying them as parameters to certain commands.
- struct ImageView An object that represents an image subresource range of a specific image, and state that controls how the contents are interpreted.
- struct LayerAndExtensionProperties Currently hard coded to use STL vector for extensions.
- struct LogicalDevice Represent logical connections to physical devices.
- struct Memory General memory structures and functionality for device memory.
- struct PhysicalDevice Represents a physical device.
- struct Pipeline A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.
- struct QueueMask Ease of identification masks for identifying a type of queue family.
struct RenderPass A render pass represents a collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between the subpasses, and describes how the attachments are used over the course of the subpasses.
- struct SubpassDescription Offers a default constructor.
- struct Sampler Represent the state of an image sampler which is used by the implementation to read image data and apply filtering and other transformations for the shader.
- struct Semaphore Semaphores are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency between queue operations or between a queue operation and the host. Binary semaphores have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
struct ShaderModule Shader modules contain shader code and one or more entry points.
- struct CreateInfo Offers a default constructor and one code/code size parameters.
- struct Surface Surfaces hook onto a window to use as a rendering target.
- struct Swapchain A queue of images that can be presented to a surface.
namespace V3
- class AppInstance An object that manages the represented application process state within the GPU.
- class Buffer A linear array of data.
- class BufferView A buffer view represents a contiguous range of a buffer and a specific format to be used to interpret the data.
- class CommandBuffer Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
- class CommandPool Command pools are opaque objects that command buffer memory is allocated from, and which allow the implementation to amortize the cost of resource creation across multiple command buffers.
- class ComputePipeline The compute pipeline represents a compute shader.
struct DebugUtils Debug Utilities: Flexible utilities for debugging an application.
- class Messenger Vulkan allows an application to register multiple callbacks with any Vulkan component wishing to report debug information. Some callbacks may log the information to a file, others may cause a debug break point or other application defined behavior.
- class DescriptorPool A descriptor pool maintains a pool of descriptors, from which descriptor sets are allocated. Descriptor pools are externally synchronized, meaning that the application must not allocate and/or free descriptor sets from the same pool in multiple threads simultaneously.
- class DescriptorSet Descriptors are grouped together into descriptor set objects. A descriptor set object is an opaque object containing storage for a set of descriptors, where the types and number of descriptors is defined by a descriptor set layout.
- class Event Events are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a fine-grained dependency between commands submitted to the same queue, or between the host and a queue. Events must not be used to insert a dependency between commands submitted to different queues. Events have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- class Fence Fences are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency from a queue to the host. Fences have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- class Framebuffer Render passes operate in conjunction with framebuffers. Framebuffers represent a collection of specific memory attachments that a render pass instance uses.
- class GraphicsPipeline Graphics pipelines consist of multiple shader stages, multiple fixed-function pipeline stages, and a pipeline layout.
- class Image Images represent multidimensional - up to 3 - arrays of data which can be used for various purposes (e.g. attachments, textures), by binding them to a graphics or compute pipeline via descriptor sets, or by directly specifying them as parameters to certain commands.
- class ImageView An object that represents an image subresource range of a specific image, and state that controls how the contents are interpreted.
class LogicalDevice Represent logical connections to physical devices.
- struct Queue Queues handle different types of batched commands for the GPU to complete.
- class Memory General memory structures and functionality for device memory.
- class PhysicalDevice Represents a physical device.
class Pipeline A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.
- class Cache Pipeline cache objects allow the result of pipeline construction to be reused between pipelines and between runs of an application.
class Layout Access to descriptor sets from a pipeline is accomplished through a pipeline layout.
- class DescriptorSet Descriptors are grouped together into descriptor set objects.
- class RenderPass A render pass represents a collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between the subpasses, and describes how the attachments are used over the course of the subpasses.
- class Sampler Represent the state of an image sampler which is used by the implementation to read image data and apply filtering and other transformations for the shader.
- class Semaphore Semaphores are a synchronization primitive that can be used to insert a dependency between queue operations or between a queue operation and the host. Binary semaphores have two states - signaled and unsignaled.
- class ShaderModule Shader modules contain shader code and one or more entry points.
- class Surface Surfaces hook onto a window to use as a rendering target.
- class Swapchain A queue of images that can be presented to a surface.
namespace V4
namespace Backend
- class GPU_Comms_Maker
- class GPU_Comms_Maker<EGPU_Engage::Single>
- class AppInstance
struct DebugUtils
- class Messenger
- class LogicalDevice
- class PhysicalDevice
namespace Backend
- namespace Vault_MagmaChamber