VV::V1::DebugUtils::Messenger struct

Vulkan allows an application to register multiple callbacks with any Vulkan component wishing to report debug information. Some callbacks may log the information to a file, others may cause a debug break point or other application defined behavior.

The debug messenger will provide detailed feedback on the application's use of Vulkan when events of interest occur. When an event of interest does occur, the debug messenger will submit a debug message to the debug callback that was provided during its creation. Additionally, the debug messenger is responsible with filtering out debug messages that the callback is not interested in and will only provide desired debug messages.


Derived classes

struct VV::V2::DebugUtils::Messenger
Vulkan allows an application to register multiple callbacks with any Vulkan component wishing to report debug information. Some callbacks may log the information to a file, others may cause a debug break point or other application defined behavior.
class VV::V4::DebugUtils::Messenger

Public types

struct CallbackData
struct CallbackDelegate
The prototype for the CreateInfo::UserCallback function implemented by the application.
struct CreateInfo
using Handle = VkDebugUtilsMessengerEXT
using CreateFlags = Bitfield<EUndefined, Flags>
Reserved for future use.
using EServerity = EDebugUtils_MessageSeverity
using EMessageType = EDebugUtils_MessageType
using FPtr_Create = PFN_vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT
Pointer to the create debug messenger function.
using FPtr_Destroy = PFN_vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT
Pointer to the destroy debug messenger function.
using ServerityFlags = Bitfield<EServerity, VkDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT>
using TypeFlags = Bitfield<EMessageType, VkDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT>
@ingorup APISpec_Debugging

Public static functions

static auto Create(AppInstance::Handle _appInstance, const CreateInfo& _createSpec, const Memory::AllocationCallbacks* _allocator, Handle& _messenger) -> EResult
Creates a debug messenger.
static void Destroy(AppInstance::Handle _appInstance, Handle _messenger, const Memory::AllocationCallbacks* _allocator)
Destroys a debug messenger.

Function documentation

static EResult VV::V1::DebugUtils::Messenger::Create(AppInstance::Handle _appInstance, const CreateInfo& _createSpec, const Memory::AllocationCallbacks* _allocator, Handle& _messenger)

Creates a debug messenger.



static void VV::V1::DebugUtils::Messenger::Destroy(AppInstance::Handle _appInstance, Handle _messenger, const Memory::AllocationCallbacks* _allocator)

Destroys a debug messenger.


Specification .