template<typename EnumType, typename BitmaskRepresentation>class Bitfield
template<typename FunctionType, FunctionType*>struct CallEnforcer_CallMaker
template<typename ReturnType, typename... ParameterTypes, ReturnType(*)(ParameterTypes...) FunctionPtr>struct CallEnforcer_CallMaker<ReturnType(ParameterTypes...), FunctionPtr>
- Generates a wrapped call to the function passed to it.
- struct DummyBase
- Used when creating fake VulkanAPI structures for platform abstraction uses.
template<EOS>struct Fence_Maker
template<>struct Fence_Maker<EOS::Linux>
template<>struct Fence_Maker<EOS::Windows>
- struct Fence_PlatformAgnostic
template<typename Enum, typename = void>struct IsBitmaskable
- Used when the enum does not meet the criteria for bitmaskable.
template<typename Enum>struct IsBitmaskable<Enum, decltype(static_cast<void>(Enum::VV_SpecifyBitmaskable))>
- Will be defined with a true_type when enum has the VV_SpecifyBitmaskable enum value.
- struct Memory
- General memory definitions.
template<EOS>struct PlatformTypes_Maker
- Defines maker of platform struct that defines operating system types.
template<>struct PlatformTypes_Maker<EOS::Linux>
template<>struct PlatformTypes_Maker<EOS::Windows>
- Defines Windows specific types.
template<EOS>struct Semaphore_Maker
template<>struct Semaphore_Maker<EOS::Linux>
template<>struct Semaphore_Maker<EOS::Windows>
- struct Semaphore_PlatformAgnostic
template<EOS>struct Surface_Maker
- Used to create an OS platform's surface type.
template<>struct Surface_Maker<EOS::Windows>
- Defines a Surface's extended definitions for Windows.
- struct Surface_PlatformAgnostic
- Cross-Platform set of definitions for a Surface.
template<typename VulkanType, EStructureType TemplateSpecifiedStype = EStructureType::Max_Enum>struct VKStruct_Base
- Base struct for wrapping Vulkan native C API Structs.
using ShouldUse_EResult = typename std::conditional<V0::
UseSTL_Exceptions, void, EResult>::type - Determines whether to return an result code for a function based on if STL exceptions are enabled.
using PlatformTypes = PlatformTypes_
Maker<OS_Platform> - A structure containing the types for the detected platform.
template<typename Enum>auto Bitmaskable() -> std::enable_if<IsBitmaskable<Enum>::value, bool>::type constexpr noexcept
- Returns true if IsBitmaskable is false.
template<typename Enum>auto Bitmaskable() -> std::enable_if<!IsBitmaskable<Enum>::value, bool>::type constexpr noexcept
- Returns false if bitmaskable is false (Default case).
template<typename FunctionType, FunctionType& _functionRef>auto GetVulkanAPI_Call() -> auto
- bool UseSTL_Exceptions constexpr
- STL Exceptions (Note: right now the library does not STL exceptions but may in the future...):
Function documentation
#include <VaultedVulkan/VV_Backend.hpp>
template<typename Enum>
std::enable_if<!IsBitmaskable<Enum>::value, bool>::type VV:: V0:: Bitmaskable() constexpr noexcept
Returns false if bitmaskable is false (Default case).
#include <VaultedVulkan/VV_Platform.hpp>
template<typename FunctionType, FunctionType& _functionRef>
auto VV:: V0:: GetVulkanAPI_Call()