#include <VaultedVulkan/VV_Command.hpp>
CommandBuffer Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
This object only acts as a host interface to a given device object's handle. Since command pools handle the lifetime of a command buffer, The command buffer can only clear its references to the device object.
Base classes
- struct VV::V2::CommandBuffer
- Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
Public types
using Parent = V2::
CommandBuffer -
using AllocateInfo = V2::
CommandPool:: AllocateInfo
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- CommandBuffer()
- Default constructor.
- CommandBuffer(const LogicalDevice& _device, Handle& _handle)
- Constructor with logical device, allocate info, and handle specified (acts as an Assign() call)
- operator Handle&()
- Implicit conversion to give a reference to its handle.
- operator const Handle&() const
- Implicit conversion to give a readonly reference to its handle.
- operator const Handle*() const
- Implicit conversion to give a pointers to its handle.
Public functions
- void Assign(const LogicalDevice& _device, Handle& _handle)
- Assign a device and handle.
- void Clear()
- Clear references to related device objects.
- auto BeginRecord(const BeginInfo& _info) const -> EResult
- Begin recording commands to the buffer.
void BeginRenderPass(const RenderPass::
BeginInfo& _info, ESubpassContents _contents) const - Begin recording a render pass set of commands into the buffer.
void BindDescriptorSets(EPipelineBindPoint _bindPoint,
const Pipeline::
Layout& _layout, ui32 _firstSet, ui32 _descritporSetCount, const DescriptorSet:: Handle* _descriptorSets) const - Bind one or more descriptor sets to a command buffer. (No dynamic offsets)
void BindDescriptorSets(EPipelineBindPoint _bindPoint,
const Pipeline::
Layout& _layout, ui32 _firstSet, ui32 _descritporSetCount, const DescriptorSet:: Handle* _descriptorSets, ui32 _dynamicOffsetCount, const ui32* _dynamicOffsets) const - Bind one or more descriptor sets to a command buffer.
- void BindIndexBuffer(const Buffer& _buffer, DeviceSize _offset, EIndexType _type) const
- Bind an index buffer to a command buffer.
void BindVertexBuffers(ui32 _firstBinding,
ui32 _bindingCount,
const Buffer::
Handle* _buffers) const - Bind vertex buffers to a command buffer for use in subsequent draw commands. (No offsets)
void BindVertexBuffers(ui32 _firstBinding,
ui32 _bindingCount,
const Buffer::
Handle* _buffers, const DeviceSize* _offsets) const - Bind vertex buffers to a command buffer for use in subsequent draw commands.
- void BindPipeline(EPipelineBindPoint _bindPoint, Pipeline& _pipeline) const
- Bind a pipeline to a command buffer for use in subsequent commands. (Until another pipeline is bound)
void BlitImage(Image& _src,
EImageLayout _srcLayout,
Image& _dst,
EImageLayout _dstLayout,
ui32 _regionCount,
const Image::
Blit* _regions, EFilter _filter) const - Copy regions of a source image into a destination image, potentially performing format conversion, arbitrary scaling, and filtering.
void CopyBuffer(Buffer& _sourceBuffer,
Buffer& _destinationBuffer,
ui32 _regionCount,
const Buffer::
CopyInfo* _regions) const - Copy data between buffer objects.
- void CopyBufferToImage(Buffer& _srcBuffer, Image& _dstImage, EImageLayout _dstImageLayout, ui32 _regionCount, const BufferImageRegion* _regions) const
- Copy data from a buffer object to an image object.
- void Draw(ui32 _firstVertex, ui32 _vertexCount, ui32 _firstInstance, ui32 _instanceCount) const
- Record a non-indexed draw.
- void DrawIndexed(ui32 _indexCount, ui32 _instanceCount, ui32 _firstIndex, si32 _vertexOffset, ui32 _firstInstance) const
- Record an indexed draw.
- auto EndRecord() const -> EResult
- complete recording of a command buffer.
- void EndRenderPass() const
- record a command to end a render pass instance after recording the commands for the last subpass.
- void Execute(ui32 _secondaryBufferCount, const Handle* _secondaryBuffers) const
- A secondary command buffer must not be directly submitted to a queue. Instead, secondary command buffers are recorded to execute as part of a primary command buffer..
void ResetEvent(Event& _event,
StageFlags _stageMask) const - Set the state of an event to unsignaled from a device.
- void SetDeviceMask(ui32 _deviceMask) const
- Update the current device bitfield of a command buffer.
void SetEvent(Event& _event,
StageFlags _stageMask) const - Set the state of an event to signaled from a device.
- void SetScissor(ui32 _firstScissor, ui32 _scissorCount, const Rect2D* _scissors) const
- Set scissor rectangles dynamically.
- void SetScissor(const DynamicArray<Rect2D>& _scissors) const
- Set scissor rectangles dynamically.
- void SetScissor(const Rect2D& _scissor) const
- Set scissor rectangles dynamically. (Single scissor)
- void SetViewport(ui32 _firstViewport, ui32 _viewportCount, const Viewport* _viewports) const
- Set viewport transformation parameters dynamically.
- void SetViewport(const DynamicArray<Viewport>& _viewports) const
- Set viewport transformation parameters dynamically.
- void SetViewport(const Viewport& _viewport) const
- Set viewport transformation parameters dynamically. (Single viewport)
void SubmitPipelineBarrier(Pipeline::
StageFlags _sourceStageMask, Pipeline:: StageFlags _destinationStageMask, DependencyFlags _dependencyFlags, ui32 _memoryBarrierCount, const Memory:: Barrier* _memoryBarriers) const - A version of SubmitPipelineBarrier where only a set of regular memory barriers are submitted.
void SubmitPipelineBarrier(Pipeline::
StageFlags _sourceStageMask, Pipeline:: StageFlags _destinationStageMask, DependencyFlags _dependencyFlags, ui32 _bufferMemoryBarrierCount, const Buffer:: Memory_Barrier* _bufferMemoryBarriers) const - A version where only a set of buffer memory barriers are submitted.
void SubmitPipelineBarrier(Pipeline::
StageFlags _sourceStageMask, Pipeline:: StageFlags _destinationStageMask, DependencyFlags _dependencyFlags, ui32 _imageMemoryBarrierCount, const Image:: Memory_Barrier* _imageMemoryBarriers) const - A version of SubmitPipelineBarrier where only a set of image memory barriers are submitted.
void SubmitPipelineBarrier(Pipeline::
StageFlags _sourceStageMask, Pipeline:: StageFlags _destinationStageMask, DependencyFlags _dependencyFlags, ui32 _memoryBarrierCount, const Memory:: Barrier* _memoryBarriers, ui32 _bufferMemoryBarrierCount, const Buffer:: Memory_Barrier* _bufferMemoryBarriers, ui32 _imageMemoryBarrierCount, const Image:: Memory_Barrier* _imageMemoryBarriers) const - Record a pipeline barrier.
void WaitForEvents(ui32 _eventCount,
const Event::
Handle* _events, Pipeline:: StageFlags _srcStageMask, Pipeline:: StageFlags _dstStageMask, ui32 _memoryBarrierCount, const Memory:: Barrier* _memoryBarriers) const - A version of WaitForEvents where only a set of memory barriers are waited on.
void WaitForEvents(ui32 _eventCount,
const Event::
Handle* _events, Pipeline:: StageFlags _srcStageMask, Pipeline:: StageFlags _dstStageMask, ui32 _bufferMemoryBarrierCount, const Buffer:: Memory_Barrier* _bufferMemoryBarriers) const - A version of WaitForEvents where only a set of buffer memory barriers are waited on.
void WaitForEvents(ui32 _eventCount,
const Event::
Handle* _events, Pipeline:: StageFlags _srcStageMask, Pipeline:: StageFlags _dstStageMask, ui32 _imageMemoryBarrierCount, const Image:: Memory_Barrier* _imageMemoryBarriers) const - A version of WaitForEvents where only a set of image memory barriers are waited on.
void WaitForEvents(ui32 _eventCount,
const Event::
Handle* _events, Pipeline:: StageFlags _srcStageMask, Pipeline:: StageFlags _dstStageMask, ui32 _memoryBarrierCount, const Memory:: Barrier* _memoryBarriers, ui32 _bufferMemoryBarrierCount, const Buffer:: Memory_Barrier* _bufferMemoryBarriers, ui32 _imageMemoryBarrierCount, const Image:: Memory_Barrier* _imageMemoryBarriers) const - Wait for one or more events to enter the signaled state on a device.
- auto operator==(const CommandBuffer& _other) const -> bool
- Checks to see if its the same object by checking to see if its the same handle.
Protected variables
- Handle handle
- const LogicalDevice* device
Function documentation
EResult VV:: V3:: CommandBuffer:: BeginRecord(const BeginInfo& _info) const
Begin recording commands to the buffer.
Command buffer recording follows an immediate design. Calls done related to this buffer will be recorded by the buffer.