VV::Corridors::ComponentMapping struct

Structure specifying a color component mapping.

The VkComponentMapping components member describes a remapping from components of the image to components of the vector returned by shader image instructions. This remapping must be the identity swizzle for storage image descriptors, input attachment descriptors, framebuffer attachments, and any VkImageView used with a combined image sampler that enables sampler Y�CBCR conversion.

Component Mapping Specification

Base classes

template<typename VulkanType, EStructureType TemplateSpecifiedStype = EStructureType::Max_Enum>
struct VV::V0::VKStruct_Base<VkComponentMapping>
Base struct for wrapping Vulkan native C API Structs.

Public functions

auto operator==(const ComponentMapping& _other) -> bool
auto operator!=(const ComponentMapping& _other) -> bool

Public variables

EComponentSwizzle R
EComponentSwizzle G
EComponentSwizzle B
EComponentSwizzle A