VV::V1::LogicalDevice struct

Represent logical connections to physical devices.


Derived classes

struct VV::V2::LogicalDevice
Represent logical connections to physical devices.

Public types

struct CreateInfo
struct GroupCreateInfo
struct MemoryOverallocationCreateInfo
struct PrivateDataCreateInfo
Used to reserve private data storage slots.
struct Queue
Queues handle different types of batched commands for the GPU to complete.
struct Queue2
using Memory = V0::Memory
using Handle = VkDevice
using CreateFlags = Bitfield<EUndefined, Flags>
Reserved for future use.

Public static functions

static auto Create(PhysicalDevice::Handle _physicalDevice, const CreateInfo& _info, const Memory::AllocationCallbacks* _allocator, Handle& _device) -> EResult
A logical device is created as a connection to a physical device.
static void Destroy(Handle _device, const Memory::AllocationCallbacks* _allocator)
Destroy a logical device.
static auto WaitUntilIdle(Handle _device) -> EResult
Specification .
template<typename ReturnType>
static auto GetProcedureAddress(Handle& _appInstance, RoCStr _procedureName) -> std::enable_if<std::bool_constant<std::is_pointer<ReturnType>::value && std::is_function<typename std::remove_pointer<ReturnType>::type>::value>::value, ReturnType>::type
Function pointers for all Vulkan commands directly addressed from the device.