#include <VaultedVulkan/VV_LogicalDevice.hpp>
LogicalDevice Represent logical connections to physical devices.
Derived classes
- struct VV::V2::LogicalDevice
- Represent logical connections to physical devices.
Public types
- struct CreateInfo
- Specification
- struct GroupCreateInfo
- struct MemoryOverallocationCreateInfo
- struct PrivateDataCreateInfo
- Used to reserve private data storage slots.
- struct Queue
- Queues handle different types of batched commands for the GPU to complete.
- struct Queue2
using Memory = V0::
Memory - using Handle = VkDevice
- Specification
- using CreateFlags = Bitfield<EUndefined, Flags>
- Reserved for future use.
Public static functions
static auto Create(PhysicalDevice::
Handle _physicalDevice, const CreateInfo& _info, const Memory:: AllocationCallbacks* _allocator, Handle& _device) -> EResult - A logical device is created as a connection to a physical device.
static void Destroy(Handle _device,
const Memory::
AllocationCallbacks* _allocator) - Destroy a logical device.
- static auto WaitUntilIdle(Handle _device) -> EResult
- Specification .
template<typename ReturnType>static auto GetProcedureAddress(Handle& _appInstance, RoCStr _procedureName) -> std::enable_if<std::bool_constant<std::is_pointer<ReturnType>::value && std::is_function<typename std::remove_pointer<ReturnType>::type>::value>::value, ReturnType>::type
- Function pointers for all Vulkan commands directly addressed from the device.