VV::V1::PhysicalDevice::SparseMemoryProperties struct

Structure specifying various sparse related properties of the physical device.


Some features of the implementation are not possible to disable, and are reported to allow applications to alter their sparse resource usage accordingly. These read-only capabilities are reported in the VkPhysicalDeviceProperties::sparseProperties member, which is a structure of type VkPhysicalDeviceSparseProperties.


Base classes

template<typename VulkanType, EStructureType TemplateSpecifiedStype = EStructureType::Max_Enum>
struct VV::V0::VKStruct_Base<VkPhysicalDeviceSparseProperties>
Base struct for wrapping Vulkan native C API Structs.

Public variables

Bool ResidencyStandard2DBlockShape
Bool ResidencyStandard2DMultisampleBlockShape
Bool ResidencyStandard3DBlockShape
Bool ResidencyAlignedMipSize
Bool ResidencyNonResidentStrict