VV::V2::Pipeline struct

A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.

Base classes

struct VV::V1::Pipeline
A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.

Derived classes

class VV::V3::Pipeline
A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.

Public types

struct Cache
Pipeline cache objects allow the result of pipeline construction to be reused between pipelines and between runs of an application.
struct Compute
struct Graphics
struct Layout
Access to descriptor sets from a pipeline is accomplished through a pipeline layout.
using Parent = V1::Pipeline

Public static functions

static void Destroy(LogicalDevice::Handle _deviceHandle, Handle _pipeline)
Destroy a pipeline object.

Function documentation

static void VV::V2::Pipeline::Destroy(LogicalDevice::Handle _deviceHandle, Handle _pipeline)

Destroy a pipeline object.
