VV::V1::PhysicalDevice::Features struct

Structure describing the fine-grained features that can be supported by an implementation.



Base classes

template<typename VulkanType, EStructureType TemplateSpecifiedStype = EStructureType::Max_Enum>
struct VV::V0::VKStruct_Base<VkPhysicalDeviceFeatures>
Base struct for wrapping Vulkan native C API Structs.

Public variables

Bool RobustBufferAccess
Out of bounds buffer accesses are well defined.
Bool FullDrawIndexUint32
full 32-bit range of indices are supported for indexed draw calls using VK_INDEX_TYPE_UINT32.
Bool ImageCubeArray
Bool IndependentBlend
Bool GeometryShader
Bool TessellationShader
Bool SampleRateShading
Bool DualSrcBlend
Bool LogicOperations
Bool MultiDrawIndirect
Bool drawIndirectFirstInstance
Bool DepthClamping
Bool DepthBiasClamping
Bool NonSolidFillModes
Point and wireframe fill modes are supported.
Bool DepthBounds
Depth bounds test supported.
Bool WideLines
Bool LargePoints
Bool AlphaToOne
The implementation can replace the alpha value of the color fragment output to the maximum representable alpha value for fixed - point colors or 1.0 for floating - point colors.
Bool MultiViewport
Multiple viewports are supported. (VR)
Bool SamplerAnisotropy
Bool TextureCompressionETC2
Bool TextureCompressionASTC_LDR
Bool TextureCompressionBC
Bool OcclusionQueryPrecise
Bool PipelineStatisticsQuery
Bool VertexPipelineStoresAndAtomics
Bool FragmentStoresAndAtomics
Bool ShaderTessellationAndGeometryPointSize
Bool ShaderImageGatherExtended
Bool ShaderStorageImageExtendedFormats
Bool ShaderStorageImageMultisample
Bool ShaderStorageImageReadWithoutFormat
Bool ShaderStorageImageWriteWithoutFormat
Bool ShaderUniformBufferArrayDynamicIndexing
Bool ShaderSampledImageArrayDynamicIndexing
Bool ShaderStorageBufferArrayDynamicIndexing
Bool ShaderStorageImageArrayDynamicIndexing
Bool ShaderClipDistance
Bool ShaderCullDistance
Bool ShaderFloat64
Bool ShaderInt64
Bool ShaderInt16
Bool ShaderResourceResidency
Bool ShaderResourceMinLod
Bool SparseBinding
Bool SparseResidencyBuffer
Bool SparseResidencyImage2D
Bool SparseResidencyImage3D
Bool SparseResidency2Samples
Bool SparseResidency4Samples
Bool SparseResidency8Samples
Bool SparseResidency16Samples
Bool SparseResidencyAliased
Bool VariableMultisampleRate
Bool InheritedQueries