#include <VaultedVulkan/VV_LogicalDevice.hpp>
Queue Queues handle different types of batched commands for the GPU to complete.
Vulkan queues provide an interface to the execution engines of a device. Commands for these execution engines are recorded into command buffers ahead of execution time. These command buffers are then submitted to queues with a queue submission command for execution in a number of batches. Once submitted to a queue, these commands will begin and complete execution without further application intervention, though the order of this execution is dependent on a number of implicit and explicit ordering constraints.
Note: This object only acts as a host interface to a given device object's handle. The logical device of the queue manages the device object lifetime.
Public types
- using Parent = Parent::Queue
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- Queue()
- Default constructor.
- Queue(EQueueFlag _type, const LogicalDevice& _device, ui32 _familyIndex, ui32 _queueIndex)
- Performs an assignment on construction.
- operator const Handle&() const
- Implicit conversion to give a readonly reference to its handle.
Public functions
- void Assign(const LogicalDevice& _logicalDevice, ui32 _familyIndex, ui32 _queueIndex, EQueueFlag _type)
- Assigns the queue info.
- auto GetFamilyIndex() const -> ui32
- Provides the queue family index.
- auto GetQueueIndex() const -> ui32
- Provides the queue index in the queue family.
- auto GetType() const -> const EQueueFlag&
- Provides the queue type.
- void Retrieve()
- Retrieve a handle to a VkQueue object.
- auto FamilySpecified() const -> bool
- Informs if family was specified.
- auto QueuePresentation(const PresentationInfo& _presentationInfo) const -> EResult
- After queuing all rendering commands and transitioning the image to the correct layout, to queue an image for presentation.
- auto SubmitToQueue(ui32 _submitCount, const SubmitInfo* _submissions, Fence_Handle _fence) const -> EResult
- Submit command buffers to a queue.
- auto WaitUntilIdle() const -> EResult
- Wait on the host for the completion of outstanding queue operations for a given queue.