VaultedVulkan/VV_Pipelines.hpp file

Vaulted Vulkan: Pipelines.




namespace VV
namespace VV::V1
namespace VV::V2
namespace VV::V3


struct VV::V1::Pipeline
A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Cache
Pipeline cache objects allow the result of pipeline construction to be reused between pipelines and between runs of an application.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Cache::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::ColorBlendState
Blending combines the incoming source fragments R, G, B, and A values with the destination R, G, B, and A values of each sample stored in the framebuffer at the fragments xf,yf location. Blending is performed for each color sample covered by the fragment, rather than just once for each fragment.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::ColorBlendState::AttachmentState
Specifies per-target blending state for each individual color attachment.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::ColorBlendState::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::DepthStencilState
Pipeline state controlling the depth bounds tests, stencil test, and depth test.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::DepthStencilState::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::DynamicState
Used to indicate which properties of the pipeline state object are dynamic and can be changed independently of the pipeline state.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::DynamicState::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::InputAssemblyState
Each draw is made up of zero or more vertices and zero or more instances, which are processed by the device and result in the assembly of primitives. Primitives are assembled according to the InputAssemblyState member.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::InputAssemblyState::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Layout
Access to descriptor sets from a pipeline is accomplished through a pipeline layout.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Layout::PushConstantRange
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Layout::DescriptorSet
Defines the types and number of descriptor sets used in a pipeline.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Layout::DescriptorSet::Binding
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Layout::DescriptorSet::Binding::FlagsCreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Layout::DescriptorSet::CreateInfo
Information about the descriptor set layout.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Layout::DescriptorSet::Support
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Layout::DescriptorSet::Support::SetVariableCount
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Layout::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::MultiSampleState
Structure specifying parameters of a newly created pipeline multisample state.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::MultiSampleState::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::RasterizationState
Rasterization is the process by which a primitive is converted to a two-dimensional image. Each point of this image contains associated data such as depth, color, or other attributes.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::RasterizationState::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Specialization
Specialization constants are a mechanism whereby constants in a SPIR-V module can have their constant value specified at the time the VkPipeline is created. This allows a SPIR-V module to have constants that can be modified while executing an application that uses the Vulkan API.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Specialization::MapEntry
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Specialization::Info
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::ShaderStage
Used to handle shader staging within a pipeline, more than one shader can be staged in a pipeline.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::ShaderStage::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::TessellationState
Tessellation involves three pipeline stages.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::TessellationState::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::VertexInputState
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::VertexInputState::AttributeDescription
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::VertexInputState::BindingDescription
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::VertexInputState::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::ViewportState
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::ViewportState::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Compute
The compute pipeline represents a compute shader.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Compute::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Graphics
Graphics pipelines consist of multiple shader stages, multiple fixed-function pipeline stages, and a pipeline layout.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Graphics::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Graphics::ShaderGroup
Graphics pipelines can contain multiple shader groups that can be bound individually. \ Each shader group behaves as if it was a pipeline using the shader groups state.
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Graphics::ShaderGroup::CreateInfo
struct VV::V1::Pipeline::Graphics::ShaderGroup::MultipleCreateInfo
struct VV::V2::Pipeline
A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.
struct VV::V2::Pipeline::Cache
Pipeline cache objects allow the result of pipeline construction to be reused between pipelines and between runs of an application.
struct VV::V2::Pipeline::Layout
Access to descriptor sets from a pipeline is accomplished through a pipeline layout.
struct VV::V2::Pipeline::Layout::DescriptorSet
struct VV::V2::Pipeline::Compute
struct VV::V2::Pipeline::Graphics
class VV::V3::Pipeline
A monolithic object describing the entire graphics, raytracing, or compute pipeline.
class VV::V3::Pipeline::Cache
Pipeline cache objects allow the result of pipeline construction to be reused between pipelines and between runs of an application.
class VV::V3::Pipeline::Layout
Access to descriptor sets from a pipeline is accomplished through a pipeline layout.
class VV::V3::Pipeline::Layout::DescriptorSet
Descriptors are grouped together into descriptor set objects.
class VV::V3::ComputePipeline
The compute pipeline represents a compute shader.
class VV::V3::GraphicsPipeline
Graphics pipelines consist of multiple shader stages, multiple fixed-function pipeline stages, and a pipeline layout.