VV_Command.hppVaulted Vulkan: Command Buffers.
- Reference
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer
- Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::BufferImageRegion
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::InheritanceWindow
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::InheritanceWindow::ConditionalRenderingInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::InheritanceWindow::PassTransformInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::BeginInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::SubmitInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::SubmitInfo::TimelineSemaphore
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::SubmitInfo::D3D12Fence
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::SubmitInfo::Win32KeyedMutexAcquireRelease
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::SubmitInfo::Protected
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::SubmitInfo::DeviceGroup
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::SubmitInfo::PerformanceQuery
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandBuffer::DeviceGroupBeginInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandPool
- Command pools are opaque objects that command buffer memory is allocated from, and which allow the implementation to amortize the cost of resource creation across multiple command buffers. Command pools are externally synchronized, meaning that a command pool must not be used concurrently in multiple threads. That includes use via recording commands on any command buffers allocated from the pool, as well as operations that allocate, free, and reset command buffers or the pool itself.
- struct VV::V1::CommandPool::AllocateInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::CommandPool::CreateInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V2::CommandPool
- Command pools are opaque objects that command buffer memory is allocated from, and which allow the implementation to amortize the cost of resource creation across multiple command buffers.
- struct VV::V2::CommandBuffer
- Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
- class VV::V3::CommandBuffer
- Command buffers are objects used to record commands which can be subsequently submitted to a device queue for execution.
- class VV::V3::CommandPool
- Command pools are opaque objects that command buffer memory is allocated from, and which allow the implementation to amortize the cost of resource creation across multiple command buffers.