VV_RenderPass.hppVaulted Vulkan: Render Pass.
- Reference
- struct VV::V1::Framebuffer
- Render passes operate in conjunction with framebuffers. Framebuffers represent a collection of specific memory attachments that a render pass instance uses.
- struct VV::V1::Framebuffer::CreateInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::RenderPass
- A render pass represents a collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between the subpasses, and describes how the attachments are used over the course of the subpasses.
- struct VV::V1::RenderPass::AttachmentDescription
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::RenderPass::AttachmentReference
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::RenderPass::BeginInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::RenderPass::SubpassDescription
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::RenderPass::SubpassDependency
- Specification
- struct VV::V1::RenderPass::CreateInfo
- Specification
- struct VV::V2::Framebuffer
- Render passes operate in conjunction with framebuffers. Framebuffers represent a collection of specific memory attachments that a render pass instance uses.
- struct VV::V2::RenderPass
- A render pass represents a collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between the subpasses, and describes how the attachments are used over the course of the subpasses.
- struct VV::V2::RenderPass::SubpassDescription
- Offers a default constructor.
- class VV::V3::Framebuffer
- Render passes operate in conjunction with framebuffers. Framebuffers represent a collection of specific memory attachments that a render pass instance uses.
- class VV::V3::RenderPass
- A render pass represents a collection of attachments, subpasses, and dependencies between the subpasses, and describes how the attachments are used over the course of the subpasses.